We offer expert help to you, your family, and your business on a wide range of legal issues.
the personal, friendly, and professional service we’re proud to offer all our customers. Despite your best efforts as a landlord, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to evacuate a tenant, whatever the individual circumstance is, evicting tenants can be legally complicated.
There are many procedures to follow and if they’re not followed, that can very often make a bad situation worse in certain cases. If you don’t take every step correctly, then your tenant could take legal action against you and that is certainly a situation best avoided. Our experience regularly guides and supports landlords through the complicated repossession process.
We can help with how best to approach problem tenants serving the correct notices, securing repossession of the property, sometimes dealing with damage to the property itself, and dealing with evicting squatters.
We will listen to what you want, discuss all the options with you, and keep you informed of your legal rights so that the service you receive fits your requirements. Exactly. For more details of how we can help, please give us a call or go to our contact us page and fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Caruso Legal Services Offers Help With Disputes Involving Eviction for Causing Damage, Eviction for Unlawful Conduct, and more!
Caruso Legal Services offers representation services for Landlord and Tenant Board (the “LTB”) cases involving Eviction for Causing Damage, Eviction for Unlawful Conduct, and more as legal issues that fall within the purview of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, S.O. 2006, Chapter 17. Confusingly, where a dispute exists between residential landlords and former tenants, certain matters must still proceed within the LTB while certain other matters must proceed in the Small Claims Court. Frequently, where multiple issues arise, some issues must proceed at the LTB and other issues in the Small Claims Court. Failure to bring issues to the proper forum can result in a dismissal of proceedings and possibly with a loss of right to redo or restart proceedings in the proper fashion and within the correct forum. Other matters, such as commercial tenancy cases are outside the jurisdiction of the LTB and may be litigated in the Small Claims Court depending on the legal issues involved and whether the matter involves less than the $35,000 per Plaintiff limit.